World Doula Week, Day 2: Nourishment

As a woman who loves to eat (and gets hangry when she doesn’t), food is definitely one of my love languages! In my work, I feel a deep urge to make sure my new mamas are fed well and frequently, and have all the energy and nutrients they need to recover from pregnancy and birth. (As a Spanish friend once told me once before I embarked on a 500-mile pilgrimage across Spain, “the feeding is very important.” This is now one of my life mantras.)

During our postpartum visits, I’m happy to cook for you in your home. I can tackle your favorite dishes, or pull from my postpartum favorites. Remember, we are aiming for yummy, warm, nutrient dense foods that your body can process easily. If you’re breastfeeding, galactagogues (foods that boost milk production, like yams, beets, carrots, blueberries, oats, and dark leafy greens) are an extra bonus. Here are some of my go-to recipes:

Chocolate-Beet Muffins - So yummy, and easy to eat with one hand!

Blueberry Baked Oatmeal

Red Lentil Soup with Lemon

Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted Root Vegetables (I usually wing this, without a recipe! Chop sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, etc., toss in olive oil and salt, and roast at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes.)

If we’re really having a good day, I can send you off for a nap, soothe your baby to sleep, and cook while watching or wearing the baby. And trust me -- EVERYTHING feels easier when you’re rested and fed.